“Spread love, the Bumby way”

The people who were aligned with spreading positivity were initially the people who continued to support the movement and became loyal fans. Bumby the Clouds is a character with a mission is to create a happier world, one smile at a time.

How I managed to turn it into a brand and business?

I managed to turn it into a business when it gained enough attention, curiosity, and demand for a wider variety of products. People believed in the vision of spreading positivity which gained attention from a vast amount of different people around the world, all while leaving people with a smile.

What to expect from my Public Speaking Engagement/Why Book Aaryn?

  • Provide creative story telling exercises for Kids + Youth
  • Share personal experience from building concepts to online business
  • Marketing Strategies that helped me grow this brand (relationship marketing through social media + influencer marketing + promotional strategies)
  • Desire to do whatever it took to make this idea fulfill its potential
  • Self Improvement by being aware and utilizing your personal strengths

What to expect from my Public Speaking Engagement/Why Book Aaryn?

  • Provide creative story telling exercises for Kids + Youth
  • Share personal experience from building concepts to online business
  • Marketing Strategies that helped me grow this brand (relationship marketing through social media + influencer marketing + promotional strategies)
  • Desire to do whatever it took to make this idea fulfill its potential
  • Self Improvement by being aware and utilizing your personal strengths

Bumby Facts

Strengths Finder Program - $100,000 grant

Bumby the Cloud has helped Portland Community College acquire a $100,000 Grant to help fund The Strengths Finder Program for Students with the help of Instructor Michael Hohn.

Collaboration w/ Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon

Bumby the Cloud has collaborated with the Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon to create a positive impact on Filipino businesses and the Oregon Economy.

Inspired Lei Bugarin

Bumby the Cloud gave inspiration to Hillsboro High-school Alumni Lei Bugarin to pursue a career in Graphic Design. Lei saw the joy that Bumby brought to people, which gave her the confidence to pursue a career doing what she loves, Graphic Design. Lei asked me to take on the role as her mentor for her Senior Project. By developing her knowledge in fundamental design principles and basic marketing concepts, she is now interested in a field in Eyewear Design.

Inspired Ethan Luong

Bumby the Cloud inspired current High-school student Ethan Luong to write a career project paper on potentially pursing a career in entrepreneurship and marketing. Ethan was drawn to Bumby because of the product success, and the brand’s mission to create a happier world, one smile at a time. Ethan expressed his interest in career attributes such as risk taking, implementation of ideas, business and marketing. He aspires to inspire a new generation and to create something people can look up to.

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